A cloud-based AI software
for more efficient infrastructure planning, design, and optimization.
Improve quality and productivity
in your infrastructure projects
Reduce construction costs
Utilize our specialized software to cut down on your project's construction costs.
Our solution can aid you in avoiding earthworks and obtaining mass balance - by applying our optimization solutions built specifically for civil infrastructure projects.
This means you save money and make your project planning smoother and more efficient.
Save planning time
Don't limit the exploration of alternatives because you rely on tedious manual processes.
Use our generative AI to create new proposals quickly, and use our solutions for automated evaluation and visualisation to get instant insight about your propsals.
Reduce environmental impact
Get instant insight with automated environmental impact assessments, such as viewshed analysis, land use calculations and carbon footprint estimates.
Reduce the embodied carbon footprint and loss of valuable land, by utilizing our unique optimization algorithms.
Built for civil infrastructure projects
Core features
✅Generative design
✅Web-based interface
✅Multi-objective optimization
✅Cloud-based computation
✅Automated site generation
✅GIS & 3D integrations
✅3D geospatial analytics
✅Multiple types of infrastructure
✅Automatic 3D visualization
✅Multi-user functionality
✅Earthwork estimates
Let us show you how Infraspace can be used in your infrastructure project.
Built in close collaboration with
leading industry experts.
© 2024 Infraspace AS, org.nr. 926 584 588