
Generative Design for Infrastructure Projects

A web-based software for smarter, faster and flexible infrastructure planning.

Create, evaluate, and optimize your infrastructure alignments - all in one plattform.

A platform for better decision making

Save planning time

Our AI software can explore thousands of possible soulitions - in minutes - with automatically generated 3D models and detailed analysis.

Reduce construction costs

Avoid unnecessary earthworks and obtain better mass balance with our optimization algortihms built specifically for civil infrastructure projects.

Reduce environmental impact

Get instant insight with automated environmental impact assessments, such as land use calculations, carbon footprint estimates and viewshed analysis.


AI for intrastructure projects

Directly in your browser

no installation required

Awards and Recognition


Finalists, ZIB Program 2024, by DB Mindbox

Finalists, Open Innovation Challenge 2024, by Elia Group

Top 50 Contech Startup, Cemex  Ventures