

Success Stories

Norway, National Road (Rv.) 4 Gjøvik - Mjøsbrua

Norconsult and Nye Veier have integrated Infraspace to enhance decision-making in the project National Road (Rv.) 4 between Gjøvik and Mjøsbrua. The focus was on evaluating, optimizing and creating alternative alignments. By automating complex calculations, Infraspace reduced analysis time from days to minutes.

Infraspace's technology enabled rapid assessment of alternative road alignments, balancing environmental, economic, and geometrical requirements. By enhancing VDC workflows, Infraspace made it easier to efficiently compare and refine multiple route options.

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Norway, National Road (Rv.) 9 Frøysnes

In 2023, Statens Vegvesen used Infraspace in the National Road (Rv. 9) Frøysnes project to evaluate different design alternatives. Infraspace enabled rapid assessment of consequences for various geometric requirements at speed limits of 60 km/h and 80 km/h.

Alignment proposals were generated, and their impact were automatically analyzed, giving the project team and decision-makers instant insights into their proposals.

This project was conducted as a pilot.

Examples of use

1. Get Instant Earthwork Estimates

Use Infraspace to instantly estimate volumes for cut, fill, and rock excavation. Whether it’s your own proposals or those generated by our AI software, you can obtain instant volume estimates.

Example: Determine the amount of rock excavation required for this project, and calculate the associated carbon footprint from the surplus masses.

2. Automated Land Use Analysis

Instantly estimate and visualize how your projects impact land use based on land cover data.

Example: Determine how many square meters of cropland are affected by this road proposal.

3.  Instant Environmental Impact Assessments

Use Infraspace to instantly analyze your proposals for environmental impact. Gain insights on visibility, valuable land take, barrier effects, level of reuse, and more.

Example: Determine which of your alternatives is the least visible in the landscape.

4. Quickly evaluate access roads

Quickly assess your options for access roads. Generate and visualize proposals to gain instant insights.

Example: Identify viable access roads to this new site. The road width is 5 meters, and the slope must be less than 10%.

5.  Create a new road between to existing roads

Use AI technology to connect two existing roads with a new road.

Example: What are the best alternatives for connecting two existing roads, considering geometrical properties, earthworks, valuable land...

6.  Find a location

Find the optimal location within the topography, whether it is a planar site, a mass deposition site, or an elevation pool.

Example: What is the optimal location for my mass deposition site, considering volume, topography, and earthworks within a defined area?